Photo of Annette.

Take charge of your mind and your life.

Everyday life is a lot to manage. The expectations of fulfilling multiple roles both at work and at home can feel overwhelming.

If you feel like meeting the demands of life prevents you from thriving, know that you are in charge of your mind and your life.

You already possess everything you need to:

  • Clear your mind

  • Take control

  • Set intentions

  • Achieve your goals

So let’s work together to tune into your capabilities. We’ll work to create the life that you want for yourself.

Prioritize yourself the same way that you prioritize others.

You will learn how to do this with 3 steps:

  • Creating awareness

  • Creating ownership

  • Creating results

You will work towards a more peaceful and intentional life with our time together.

Grace, not perfection.

l believe you can live a full and enriching life without sacrifices—
if you believe it is possible.

Balancing family and work can be done by learning how to manage your mindset.

You can take charge by accepting a philosophy of grace, not perfection.

About Annette Russell

As a full time c-suite executive, wife, and mom of 3 kids (ages 12, 14, and 17), I understand how life tends to pull you in different directions. I’ve had to do the work of learning how to make time to prioritize “me” time and calm my mind - something that is extra necessary for myself as an introvert. 

Learning how to fulfill the expectations of others AND myself was a major process. In my personal journey, I have learned that everyone at all levels of their career and life stage needs the support of a good listener who can also inspire both accountability and action. Everyone shares the need to be truly heard and to continue evolving. 

That’s why I was inspired to be that calming and affirming person for others through coaching. 

If you’re ready to get the support needed to take the next steps in balancing all of life’s demands, I would love to coach you through your process.

I look forward to learning more about you!

Let’s talk soon.